Has anyone heard what the plans are for the route this year? Are they sticking to last year's route or are they going somewhere else entirely? I have been sending out fundraising e-mails for two months now telling everyone that I am riding to Seattle next year for the Ride to Conquer Cancer but lately have been wondering if I know that is true or not.
I spoke to the office yesterday and they told me the ride is definitely going to Seattle again but they haven't confirmed the finish line location yet. I told them they should at least update the site to reflect Seattle!
I agree that they should update everyone on where the ride is going so that people can make sure to have things in order for crossing the border and for coming home.
While I am really looking forward to riding to Seattle (I hear from people who did it last year that it is an awesome route) I really wonder why they chose to cross the border at all. It seems to me that if the goal is to raise awarness (and funds) for the BC Cancer Foundation, a two day ride in BC makes more sense than one that is only in BC for about an hour. Not to mention the amount of money it must cost to host a fully supported ride that crosses the border and requires them to get everyone, their gear and bikes back from Seattle. I would imagine a lot of money could be saved by having a 2 day ride through the Fraser Valley that ends back where it started (no buses to get people back or trucks to get bikes back).
I for one would rather see less of the money that I raised spent on the Ride itself so that more is available for the cause I raised it for in the first place. While I do not know the numbers myself, I have read online that the "cost" of planning, preparing and supporting the Ride may be in the order of 30 - 40% of the funds raised! While that would never stop me from fundraising or doing the Ride, it sure makes me pause and wonder if there isn't a less expensive way to do this.
Good points although I'm guessing the 'appeal' of doing the ride is much greater when it's to Seattle vs heading to Hope and back. The distance is the same but when you tell people it's to Seattle, it sounds more impressive and will attract more riders who want to challenge themselves therefore raising much more money in the end. Just my 2 cents!
I did the ride last year and the route was pretty good. The only negitives were that we seemed to meander across the I-5 a bit much, and the border SUCKED! I was in the first 20% of the people arriving at the border, but was stuck at the Peace Arch park for 25 minutes and then at the border line up for another 35. The group that I had been riding with was split and I ended up riding the next 80km alone and looking for others riding at the same pace as me or similar. I ended up riding with Team Merckx, what a great group to bad Axel was WAY ahead of them. But in general when you tell people I am riding to Seattle they are really enthused, mind you when I tell people that I am going for a 125km ride they just think that I am crazy.
On that note does anyone have ideas on where to stay the last night in Seattle? I for one have to make it back to Van Island and am looking for car pooling etc or at least a decent hotel to sleep in that night??
Last year I stayed at the Hotel 1000. It was awesome, but very expensive. They(hotels) neglect to tell you of a tax that is charged to you in Seattle(downtown) a $30 parking levy. My family and I stayed for a total of 2 days and 3 nights at a cost of over $800 US.
I'm from the island as well. Is it necessary to spend the Sunday night in Seattle? I was under the impression that we would be shuttled back to the start the same day as the ride ends.
In regards as to why the ride is making the trek across the border rather than staying in BC, I personally think it could have something to do with the fact that route is more convenient (as far as terrain goes) and/or the amount of traffic we will be enduring. Not being an avid rider, I can't confirm how a local ride would do in comparison but from my understanding of the Seattle route, it's pretty good. None the less though, I'm excited just to even be participating!
My understanding is that all the information you need will come in the Ride package a couple of weeks before the Ride (sent out to everyone who has reached their minimum level of donation in order to Ride).