I had looked on the BC gaming website and it looked like only organizations or groups with elected boards/ executives could make an application, so I e-mailed them to ask if an individual raising funds would qualify. An individual cannot, but a group of 3 or more people could even if they are not part of a larger group.
The idea is kind of on the back burner right now, but I would be open to the idea of "teaming up" with others to do some sort of draw.
I would be happy to forward the info I have if you want.
Thanks for the info! I'm in Victoria but I think we could still make it work. Originally I was thinking of running it at work pre-Xmas and sell the idea of getting a bit of extra cash for the holiday shop-fest. If you're interested and want to hash out details that would be great.
I'd love to see the info you got if you don't mind. I can be reached at kelcz@shaw.ca
I've done this- you have to have a pre-determined date and palce to put on the applcaiiton. it's nice though because you can specify multiple dates on the applcation. Last year we pre-selected every 4 fridays, and held a 50/50 almost monthly. It worked well- we typically sold about $400ish, earnign us $200 for the ride (usually $300, sicne the winner would donate some back).
very easy to apply. There were three of us on our team, but it awsn't hard at all. You just send in the applciaiton and fee, and you're pretty much good to go.