Does anyone know how to write a persons name into the appreciation certificate using Adobe? I'm not used to this program, and would like to be able to use the computer to make a nice certificate instead of using my ugly handwriting.
Can I transfer the PDF file into any other programs taht will allow me to create a nice font to use?
I can bike to work faster than my neighbour can drive.
You require Adobe Acrobat full version in order to be able to edit the PDF. You can also import the PDF into Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop and edit there as well.
If you don't have Acrobat full version, there are some free or cheap other software which can edit PDFs available online by doing a search on Google.
I'm using Adobe Acrobat 7, but I just can't seem to figure this out. I'm generally pretty good with computers, but this is driving me nuts. I can't seem to get the text box to lay on top of the line where the persons name is supposed to go. I've tried the edit text option, the typewriter option. Am I able to create a new text box somehow to just sit on top?
I can bike to work faster than my neighbour can drive.
What I did after much experimenting was scan printed certificate to my photos... enlarge it to document size.... then select the type of text, etc. to place along line. I used Picasa which is great....Photoshop should work too. Results look professional.
In Adobe, click on advanced editing tools and there should be a typewriter, show typrewriter tool box. place the curser where you want to type, click, and start typing.