Is anyone been able to understand the previews well enough to know where the route goes? What I have been able to glean from it is that we are crossing the border and heading to Seattle again. But to me it appeared that this year's route did not go through White Rock and crossed at the Truck Crossing (176th St) not Peace Arch. It was also unclear to me from the videos whether the finish line is still at the University or not.
From what I can tell, the route passes down 152nd and around about to the truck crossing at 176th. Passes through Blaine to Blaine Harbour, along the harbour route into Birch Bay, past BB waterslides and out the end by the State Park. Winds through the back of Ferndale and Bellingham, eventually lunching near a golf course just east of south Bellingham. After lunch, it crosses the I-5 again to follow Lake Samish until we reach the Skagit Valley (gorgeous, love it!), near the approaches to Burlington, LaConnor and finishing in what appears to be Mt. Vernon.
It seems to follow a secondary route through agricultural and rural the rest of the way to the west side of Lake Washington. Haven't checked but that seems to be near UW...looking forward to this, my first ride!