The list on the web siteis a fairly complete list of items to bring. Some additional suggestions and thoughts would be:
Bring a head-mounted flashlight that you can wear when you have to walk to the washroom in the middle of the night and bring some extra tissue and hand sanitizer. Even though there are dozens of portapotties, they can run out of "supplies".
Advil is available through medical stations but having your own supply may be helpful and quicker.
Don't underestimate the value of Butt Balm or chamois butter I prefer Sportique's all natural Century Riding Cream.
If you like your caffeine in the morning, bring a larger cup than the standard styrofoam one's supplied.
Bring ear-plugs. Imagine over 2000 people sleeping in nylon walled tents that are all right next to one another. Sounds like a sawmill.
Eyewear is important! If it starts to rain, you definitely want something to protect your eyes from the spray coming at you from the rider in front of you.
Another pair of clean bike shorts for the 2nd day is highly recommended if you can afford it. Putting on damp shorts is not ideal.
Extra batteries for your cell phone, BlackBerry, and camera. There are no spots for charging at camp.
-- Edited by bigm on Wednesday 9th of June 2010 01:42:41 PM
-- Edited by bigm on Wednesday 9th of June 2010 01:43:15 PM
I noticed on the packing list that it says items with an * are required. Are these items really mandatory though? I just can't see them checking you for every little thing like butt balm and sunscreen...
Yeah, I can't really see all the 'roadies' sticking a bell or horn on their handlebars although butt balm is optional and sunscreen is definetly a good idea! If Saturday ends up being even a bit sunny, no one wants to be burnt for day 2