I wanted to publicly say THANK YOU to the volunteers and crew who helped look after me - and each and every rider during this past weekend.
Without you, the weekend wouldn't have gone so well, and your tireless efforts were just amazing. Although of course everyone receives my gratitude, I wanted to share a couple of examples I saw, and I think these are indicative of just how the volunteers did such an amazing job.
*Two people volunteers standing out in the middle of a thunderstorm in Woodinville to make sure the riders were able to cross a busy road safely...simply amazing. They could have been sitting in their car keeping dry but stayed out there right through the storm.
*The folks in the massage tent - you were given an enormous task without, it seems, anywhere near enough volunteers to take on that task and you showed professionalism, dedication and care for each and every person who came to you. Although you couldn't see everyone, most reasonable people appreciate your efforts.
*The Tent crews. I had somewhere dry to sleep. Sure, a colour television on the wall of the tent would have been nice, but hey...I can't be too piclky.
*Last but not least, everyone at the pit stops. A cheerful personality and plenty of food and drink to refuel.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. If I could thank each and every one of you who volunteered your time I would, but for now I hope this will be sufficient.
Echo, echo... triple-thumbs-up to all volunteers, crew AND whoever was involved in organizing - the route, planning, logistics, signage and communication before, during and after were all EXCELLENT - including the way you handled the troublesome late arrival of bikes back at Guildford. THANK YOU !!
Oh, and a great big THANK YOU TOO !! to the Tech Teams, working 110% to keep us rolling every inch of the way.
-- Edited by John on Monday 22nd of June 2009 08:14:40 PM
I too was amazed and very impressed with the organization of this huge event, especially for the first one here in Vancouver. For all those involved behind the scenes, you all made this journey worthwhile. We the riders, were able to focus on our personal goals and quests.
I couldnt agree with you more.Without the amazing crew this event couldnt have happened.The crew did an amazing job and i thank you all for making this event such an incredible time for me. Thank you for your time and generosity and hope to see you all again next year!!!
+1 THANK YOU to the volunteers! You people did such an incredible job. You will never know how much you gave to this whole experience - having smiling, happy faces greeting us at the pit stops, in the rain and hail, for supper and breakfast and those wonderful showers was worth its weight in gold. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did.
All I can say is that there is no way i would have made it the whole way without the support of the volunteers, crew and staff. I was so very pleased at how well run this event was. Right down to having our names on the bike and cheering us on by name. It was an incredible experience that I will always remember and I look forward to seeing everyone next year! Anyone that wants to ride together to train for next year please contact me ronbgordon@yahoo.com See you all soon and thank you!
I'd also like to thank all the volunteers and staff for all their support and encouragement. There were a few times along the route when I just wanted to give up, but with the positive energy coming from the volunteers I was able to go on. It was also nice when they called out to you by name! The crew out on the roads did an excellent job directing us so we didn't take a wrong turn and it brought a smile to my face whenever I saw them! See you all next year!