I heard a disturbing quote from a different event coordinator, that only 30% of the 7 million dollars raised last year went to Cancer Research- and the rest went towards advertising and event cost. I have tried emailing the Cancer Foundation and did not get a response.
On their website, it states that 100% of the money raised goes to the BC Cancer Foundation. The Alberta and Toronto Rides have the same line, then another paragraph stating the money is held in a trust for the agency, out of which advertising costs are paid. Alberta estimatse 58% of their money goes towards research. Why doesn't the BC Website have the same information? It's missing the second part.
From the BC Website:
5. How much money raised by The Ride to Conquer Cancer goes to the cause? All donations go immediately to The BC Cancer Foundation. Proceeds from the event stay in our province and will deliver breakthrough research, screening programs, exemplary teaching, and compassionate care at BC Cancer Foundation.
6. How does BC Cancer Foundation utilize the contributions? 100% of all donations go directly to BC Cancer Foundation. Proceeds from the event stay in our province and are invested in cutting-edge cancer research, prevention and screening programs, as well as education, care and other critical cancer initiatives. In addition, BC Cancer Foundation pays for the costs of the event, most of which come from resources right here in British Columbia.
From the Alberta Website:
5. How much money raised by The Ride to Conquer Cancer goes to the cause?
100% of all donations come directly to the Alberta Cancer Foundation. The Foundation pays all of the expenses according to a Trustee approved budget for the event. Net proceeds stay in our province to fund world-class cancer research that will benefit all Albertans.
The following information for the Ride to Conquer Cancer is provided in accordance with Alberta's Charitable Fundraising Act:
The Alberta Cancer Foundations Board of Trustee approved budget for the 2009 Ride to Conquer Cancer has a projected revenue target of $5.1 million with a projected net return of 58%. The final net result will be entirely dependant on the number of event participants and the amount they raise as gross revenue increases, the percentage cost of the event decreases. Detailed financial information regarding this event will be available in our 2008/2009 Audited Financial Statements. The Alberta Cancer Foundation is audited by the Auditor General of Alberta
I raised the same topic under the heading of Route info.
I have talked to a number of people who did the Ride last year. All say that the Ride was first class, well organized, fantastic experience, etc. But a number of them have also raised the question of why go to Seattle? Wouldn't a Ride that stayed in BC be less costly? Couldn't a Ride be organized that ends where it starts (and thereby eliminates the very expensive matter of getting riders, gear and bikes back from Seattle)?
I for one would love to finish in BC as it would be a lot easier for my family to come see me cross the finish line. I recognise that a Ride within BC may be less "sexy" and may not have the same appeal or cachet. But at the end of the day, I think there is some deliberate obfuscation underway and a complete lack of transparency in response to the simple question: how much of the money I raise is actually going to Cancer Research? Or put differently, who is paying for the cost of putting on the Ride?
In the end, in spite of the lack of clarity on these issues, I am happy to be involved and looking forward to riding to Seattle, but I have the same questions and share the same concerns that you have raised.
-- Edited by BrentJ on Monday 22nd of March 2010 02:19:29 PM
The question would then become where would you go instead? Seattle a great metropolis and a destination. Had it been to sat Grand forks would I have done the ride last year...no! I was able to make this an event with double even triple effect. 1 I raised money for Cancer research, 2 lost weight and got into shape with some focus, and 3 I took my family with me. We got to go somewhere that we wanted to go , but as it is so close probably wouldn't have gone to. As to the cost of going to the states.. maybe it is cheaper. 2 months ago i need to order some parts for a restaurant and doing some research I found 2 distributers. 1 in Toronto and 1 in Seattle. So being Canadian I called the hated Toronto and was quoted $12 per unit...okay sounds good. Then I called Seattle $5 /unit shipped. A no brainer really. So maybe it is cheaper to go to the states. And besides isn't the Hutchinson Foundation based in Seattle. They are or last year were a major supporter of the ride. just something to ponder. Jamie
All very good points, and thank you for giving us something to think about. I agree that it is probably easier to get more people to sign up for a ride to Seattle than a ride to Hope and back. And although a ride to Whistler and back sounds good, the reality is it is a tougher ride than most weekend riders would want to tackle. As I said before, I am looking forward to this ride as I have heard so many good things about it. I guess one other reality is that by going back to Seattle it makes it easier to get more people to sign up because they may have talked to people who did it before and spoke highly of the experience. Going somewhere new would not have that effect.
Indeed 100% of the funds raised go to the BC Cancer Foundation.
Remember that there are a lot of expenses involved in keeping the Foundation operating. The funds that are used for this necessary expenses and overheads comes from donations from us and others. The expense-revenue difference is what gets contributed directly to cancer research and such.
Actually the coordinator may have gotten his/her number wrong. Based on the annual report, the expense-to-revenue ratio is 29%, which means that overall 71% is revenue!
Honestly, I'm relieved to know that we are going cross-border again. I enjoyed it very much last year and will definitely enjoy it again this year. I'm undergoing chemotherapy right now as my cancer recurred, but would still want to do the ride anyways.
Life is like a downhill bike with gears you never use.
First I'd like to applaud the effort all the riders and volunteers put into this. I'm sure they all put heart and soul into it.
But if any of the above is true - are you OK with that as fundraisers? Are you OK with only about 35% of that $11 million dollars actually making it through to research and support?
The BC cancer Foundation itself may have a 30% expense - revenue ratio, but this ride does not. It has closer to a 65% expense revenue ratio, historically. Read the fine print in the financial statements.
So, if you told your donors that you wanted a $100 donation to support Cancer research, etc., but only $35 of that money would actually go to go to the cause they thought it was going to, do you think any of them would have given you the money?
I personally think the amount of money it costs to run huge fundraisers like this one is disgraceful, and I think it is completely misleading of them to cry "YAY!@ $11 million dollars" - when only $4 million or so of that may actually filter through.